
Friday, July 17, 2009

Cemetery trip

I think I'm going to stop by Evergreen Cemetery in Southgate tomorrow to take pictures in the section where Union soldiers are buried as well as to list the names and other information of the soldiers buried there, including Medol of Honor winner Williams Horsfall, a Congressional Medal of Honor winner.

I also plan to stop by a local public library to look up microfilm newspaper records of some other soliders, whose headstones I found in a small country cemetery down in Grant's Lick.

I think I'm going to try to assemble a book listing as many Civil War soldiers buried in Campbell County as I can find. I started working on a similar list a couple of years ago and want to re-start that now. I'll probably check with a couple people I know who may have done similar research just to be sure I'm not duplicating it, but even if someone else has done similar work, I think it will be an enjoyable, educational and perhaps humbling task for me. I hope I can find plenty of names and then info about their units and lives as well. It might be a challenge, but I want to do some research and this is something I will enjoy.

I'll post more about this as I make progress and make decisions about what to do next. There are many cemeteries in the county, though Evergreen is the biggest. I know this will be a lot of work, but it will be worth the effort, I do firmly believe.

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