
Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Dr. Sweet's Infallible Liniment

From The New England Almanac, and Farmer's Friend, for the Year of Our Lord Christ 1863, I found this charming old advertisement, which I especially like due to the product's immodest self-description of "Infallible.".

Here is the text of this wonderful old document. 

for the speedy and permanent cure of
Sprains, bruises, burns and scalds, neuralgia, stiffness of the joints, lumbago, headache, toothache, quinsy, sore throat, wounds, sores, piles and all
Rheumatic and Nervous Disorders.

This Liniment is prepared from the recipe of
DR. STEPHEN SWEET, of Connecticut.

whose name and fame have been as familiar as household words throughout the United States for nearly forty years, during which time, though never having changed his residence, his professional practice has embraced TWENTY-THREE STATES, and is believed to have comprised a larger experience in the treatment of external injuries than that of any other man living. This Liniment, now for the first time made public, is the result of his wide experience and practical skill: and having been thoroughly tested for twenty years, is fully guaratneed to perform all it promises, and is justly entitled to the term INFALLIBLE. It is truly a FRIEND IN NEED, which no Family, Hotel, Manufactory, Steamboat, Vessel, or Railroad, should be without; and the moderate price at which it is offered, places it within the reach of all. As a UNIVERSAL EXTERNAL REMEDY, for the IMMEDIATE RELIEF OF PAIN, it is unrivalled by any preparation before the public, of which the most skeptical may be convinced by a single trial.

Full Directions accompany each Bottle, Price 25 and 50 cts.

Richardson & Co., Proprietors, Norwich Ct.
or sale by Druggists Everywhere on the Continent


  1. Richard - EXCELLENT! Civil War era almanacs were put out literally by the millions by patent medicine firms. This just a great example...thanks! Adding you to my blogroll...NOW! Jim

  2. Very enlightening. I was just given a bottle with all the markings

  3. I just found an article about Dr. Sweet's infallible liniment, as I was going through my first, of many, family history boxes, written in the first edition of The Advertiser, Healdsburg, Sonoma County, California, 18-NOV-1864. By Dr. Sweet's proclamations, I was hoping it's still around. lol

  4. I just found an article about Dr. Sweet's infallible liniment, as I was going through my first, of many, family history boxes, written in the first edition of The Advertiser, ealdsburg, Sonoma County, California, 18-NOV-1864. By its proclamations, I was hoping it's still around. lol
