
Thursday, April 8, 2010

Return of the obsession?

Three weeks without a single entry here - a pretty terrible stretch I admit, but I must say I was working on a self-study course for work and I just passed the test this past Wednesday. Hopefully now I'll get back to reading books, blog entries, discussion boards, etc. and will come up with more ideas for entries.  The only thing I have read lately is that dreadful book for work, with only occasional time for Sports Illustrated and none at all for my Civil War enjoyment.

The next book I read will be Lincoln's Labels by Jim Schmidt. I've actually started it and have enjoyed it so far. It even has a couple of stories and facets that are local to me, so I look forward to  reading it and posting my review here.

1 comment:

  1. Richard...Wow - thanks so much for the kind mention! I really look forward to your feedback! I'm always looking to improve my writing, research, accuracy, storytelling, etc., and really appreciate when people have advice. You'll find the Intro about P&G to have a lot of local flavor for you! Jim
