
Saturday, August 14, 2010

Schedule of events for Battery Hooper Days

As with virtually everything else in life, this may be subject to change. 

The Civil War encampment will be open all day for both days and the re-enactors and living history presenters, when not speaking, will gladly interact with visitors. 

The museum itself will also be open all day both days.

Saturday, August 21st 
Noon - opening ceremony, flag raising, cannon firing (5th Ohio) 
1:00 PM - Abe Lincoln speech 
1:40 PM - Stephen Foster music 
2:00 - 4:00 PM - Honey Hill Petting Zoo 
2:00 PM - Cannon firing by 5th Ohio Light Artillery 
2:30 PM - General Lew Wallace 
3:00 PM - Archaeology presentation by Jeannine Kreinbrink 
3:30 PM - General Horatio Wright 
4:00 PM - Cannon firing by 5th Ohio Light Artillery 
4:15 PM - Military Court Martial by Confederates 
5:00 PM - Abe Lincoln speech 
6:00 PM - Cannon firing by 5th Ohio Light Artillery & closing ceremony 
Sunday, August 22nd 
Noon - Flag raising ceremony 
1:00 PM Cannon firing by 5th Ohio Light Artillery 
2:00 - 4:00 PM - Honey Hill Petting Zoo 
2:40 PM Abe Lincoln speech 
3:00 PM Cannon firing by 5th Ohio Light Artillery 
3:20 PM General Horatio Wright 
3:45 PM General Lew Wallace 
4:30 PM Abe Lincoln speech - Gettysburg Address 
5:00 PM Closing ceremony 


  1. The Recorder announced that there would be an impersonation of Harriet Tubman. I do not see it on the schedule.

  2. I'm sorry I did not see this comment sooner, but this was 2010's scheduled. We did have an impersonation of her today (8/21/11)
