
Thursday, April 19, 2012

A Pair of Covington Journal articles on Race

These two stories come from the Covington Jounral of April 19, 1862, one right under the other as printed below. The first one shows the Journal's bitterness toward the idea of the abolition of slavery and the second is seems to try to mention every negative stereotype whites had about blacks and how they would react to the end of slavery. 

The Negro in Congress
The correspondent of the New York Evening Post (Republican) is not far wrong when he says -

"Every measure before Congress has some connection with slavery."
The Senate has passed a bill permitting negroes to carry the mails.
Senator Wilson has introduced a bill to modify the Fugitive Slave Law.

The House has passed the Senate bill abolishing slavery in the District of Columbia. Attempts to amend, with a a view to gradual emancipation, to submit the  question to a vote of the people of the District, &c., were promptly voted down. Full discussion was not allowed. The bill was rushed through by a drilled party, without amendment.

So it goes on. One day the Senate discussed Emancipation and the House Confiscation of slaves. The next day the Senate devotes its time to Confiscation and the House to Emancipation.

Is it a Misfortune to be White
The Fortress Monroe correspondent of the Philadelphia Inquirer says the contrabands care very little who rules. They say the were just ass well with their masters as now and seem totally indifferent to everything but eating, lunging and sleeping. They are represented as shirking work, inclined to thieving and lying, and yet, useless for good as they are, the write says they are far better off than our soldiers who bivouac in the open air, while the negroes enjoy shelter, good food and plenty of warmth. The soldiers complain bitterly of this, and no wonder, It is atrocious. 

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