
Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Cincinnati Museum Exhibit: Cincinnati and the Civil War

Image from
Well, I publish  infrequently in recent weeks, then post two entries tonight. The previous one was the one I focused on, but I thought this upcoming exhibit at the Cincinnati Museum Center deserved some attention as well and wanted to post this while I had the time. I'll certainly visit this exhibit as soon as I can, though I'm not sure if it will be this weekend. The following week may be better for me.

Cincinnati and the Civil War: The Queen City Responds 1861-1862

Here's a brief description from their site, but if you go to the link, you'll see more, including photos of some of the items on display. It looks promising. You can search my blog for articles on the Siege of Cincinnati, though I'll try to be republishing some of those stories or hopefully creating new ones in the next three weeks. The Siege of Cincinnati took place in the weeks following the Confederate route of Union forces at Richmond, Kentucky, at the end of August 1862.

September 2012 marks the 150th anniversary of the Confederate Siege of Cincinnati, which compelled soldiers and citizens to organize defenses around our Queen City. Learn about the defense of Cincinnati, the Battle of Perryville and other events from the first two years of the Civil War explored through actual uniforms, weapons and equipment of the common soldier as well as photographs, letters, broadsides and paintings of the period from our collections.

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