
Friday, August 21, 2015

Quick Review of Battery Hooper Days 2015

Battery Hooper Days 2015 at the James A. Ramage Civil War Museum where I volunteer has, incredibly, already come and passed, last weekend. It was a great event. The weather was terrific - a bit warm and muggy, but not too bad for August.(I make no claims of objectivity - I help plan and run the event and museum and am willing use this blog platform to promote it - but I was happy with it, as were the other museum directors.)

Our living historians, presenters and re-enactors did a wonderful job. The talks were fun and interesting and kept the visitors entertained both days.They also were fantastic in interacting with the public. That helps educate people about the war and also makes an event better for the visitors. It is, perhaps, the most important part of successful living history, at least after accuracy send knowledge anyway. We really appreciate those who spent their weekend at our event. The addition of a U.S. Grant impression worked out very well.

The encampment, with the medical tent set-up and quite a few re-enactors, was a fun place to visit. It is always fun to see the tents, rifles and other equipment on display. Along with the variety of uniforms.

The dulcimer music and wool spinning demonstration inside the museum on Sunday were both popular and added greatly to the atmosphere inside, as guests kept funneling through the museum. Having inquisitive children visit added to the success. It was great to see them so interested and I know the lady spinning the wool really enjoyed it. I'd like to think every visitor learns something at an event like this, but I know those few children did. That is a large part of why museums exist and events like this are held.

Our expanded used book sale was a tremendous success, and will go a long way in helping us financially, especially as we work toward some physical improvements to the museum building. We were fortunate enough to receive a large donation of books earlier this year, and that helped us immensely. 

We were also fortunate to have multiple sponsorships and donors that helped us quite a bit this year. St. Elizabeth Healthcare, K & V Cultural Resources Management LLC, and the Courtyard by Marriott in Florence all came through for us and the bequest of books from the Michael Wilson family was very valuable. Thank you to each sponsor and donor.

Attendance was slightly down, but we still had over 800 people in over the weekend and the feedback we received was positive. It was held a week earlier the year and a couple other big events were taking place the same weekend, so we did have quite a bit off competition. Still, all that we could control - the advertising, promotion and the actual event itself - went well.

I did not get to take a lot of photos, unfortunately, but here are a couple I managed to snap early Sunday.

It will be interesting to see what new displays or presenters we find for next year.


  1. I am almost afraid to ask, was the Cincy Civil War Round Table there this year with a display?

  2. I did not see them, but I also did not get out of the museum much. I don't think they made it this year, but they supposedly are coming on a bus tour later this month.

  3. Ah, the bus tour was for a group from Marietta, hosted by one of the Cincy Round Table gents, but it was canceled. :(
