
Wednesday, January 4, 2017

What will 2017 bring?

Yes, another post. Finally.

I am still here and thought the new year would be a good time to post again.

In 2016, my goal was to make at least one post per week. I actually kept that goal for most of the year,  but when I got a new job in August, my time to blog simply slipped away.

I am still at that job as 2017 begins and though I want to resume posting more regularly, I do not want to promise more than I deliver, so I am not setting any specific goals for this year. I will have to see how my time goes and how I adapt to my schedule.

I am currently reading another Civil War book, so I do want to finish it and offer a review. I have a few other books that I would like to read and review as well.

I am getting involved in a new local Civil War group and hope to offer updates on it right here. We have had a couple start-up meetings and have some big goals.  Our website is now open to the public at  I am excited to be involved with the beginning of such an organization and am anxious to see how it progresses. It has a great purpose and will fill a need, especially in Kentucky. My next post will likely be about it. 

I also plan at least one trip to Perryville (I still really hate that I did not make it to last October's re-enactment) and, hopefully at least one other Civil War site in Kentucky, whether it is Richmond, Mill Springs or another. Trips like those always provide good blog content and give me better perspective on what such sires represent. I hope I can schedule multiple trips this year.

I do have a couple projects I started researching and writing last year. Perhaps I can finish them this year, though I will have to double check for new information that might have shown up since I started them. 

I am also still involved at the James A. Ramage Civil War Museum and will try to post more about it this year.  Last year, I spearheaded a display of many Civil War flags, Union and Confederate. I was proud of it, as many people are not aware of several of these standards. 

I am honestly amazed that I have had this blog since 2009.  How has so much time passed so quickly? I know I have had some gaps in posting, but here I still am. It has truly been a fascinating project for me.

1 comment:

  1. Richmond and Mill Springs are always good visits. Have you been to Camp Wild Cat (Wild Cat Mountain)? Great site, nearly 100% preserved.
