
Monday, October 1, 2018

American Battlefields Trust Coming to Lexington, Ky 2019

The American Battlefields Trust, formerly known as the Civil War Trust, will host in 2019 Annual Conference, Kentucky: Bluegrass Turned Red, in Lexington, Kentucky, less than two hours from my home. I’m thrilled to see  this happening and really hope to attend. It will take place from May 29 to June 2, shortly after my birthday. Attending it would be a wonderful present for me.  :) 

Actually, I feel like I need to be there, especially with my friend Darryl Smith, owner of Walking With History, LLC and publisher of the Ohio at Perryville blog, being on the list of confirmed speakers.  He will lead a tour, at a still-to-be-determined site - Perryville, Cynthiana, Wildcat Mountain or elsewhere. He has given many tours and  will do a great job of showing some of what Kentucky has to offer a group of Civil War enthusiasts. I likewise trust that  Lexington will be a fine host. It hosted the conference a few years ago but I did not attend.  I really hope to make up for that, but life sometimes gets in the way.

Hopefully the weather at that time, still in the middle of spring, will cooperate and give visitors the chance to experience at least one of Kentucky's Civil War sites and help this conference be enjoyable and productive. I have never been to something like that, but it is a goal for 2019.

The link above has current information on the event, though, of course, details may change over the next 8 or 9 months as that time arrives, but this should be a good opportunity for Kentuckians - and those in nearby states - to attend a big national event and for non-Kentuckians to learn more about Kentucky in the war and witness some of the remaining sites from that time. I am proud of my state and hope others will see its beauty like I do.

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