
Sunday, June 23, 2019

Abolitionism Defined

Here is another old article concerning abolitionists and their goals, at least as perceived by their opponents.  The Covington Journal of May 27, 1854 printed this brief story. Slavery was a huge issue throughout the country, as the Kansas-Nebraska Act was close to being passed when the paper published these few lines.

Senator Brodhead of Pennsylvania, in an admirable speech in favor of the Nebraska bill, thus defines abolitionism:

"Sir, the spirit of abolitionism is thoroughly venomous and implacable. No concessions will satisfy or appease it - Inspired by a deadly, indistinguishable hatred of our system of confederate government, it would rush to the accomplishments of its designs over a prostrate Constitution, and through the baleful flames of a civil war. Destructive in all its instincts and passions, it is to be resisted as an enemy to whom no quarter is to be given, and to conciliate whom is to betray our country.

This story refers to Senator Richard Brodhead.


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