
Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Battery Hooper Civil War Days 2019

I know I have not written lately, for many reasons, but one reason (or excuse) is that it is time for another edition of Battery Hooper Civil War Days at the James A. Ramage Civil War Museum, where I have been a volunteer and board member for several years.

It is terribly difficult to believe I have been working on BHCWD since 2007. I missed last year’s event due to not feelings no well, but even then I had spent time planning it, but here we are again, only days before the 2019 event on August 17 and 18. 

We are doing some things differently this year. The church building next to the museum is for sale and the congregation is not having its annual Ice Cream Social so we will have a food truck on Saturday and an ice cream truck Sunday.

We are also featuring fewer speakers, but will have Abraham and Mary Lincoln telling their story Saturday and Jefferson and Varina Davis presenting on Sunday. 

We have local band Tellico on the weekend’s first day, while the Forget-Me-Not dance group will entertain on Sunday.

Of course, we still have the large encampment in our backyard and again will feature a medical tent and display. Thank you to St. Elizabeth Healthcare for their sponsorship of the medical display. 

Other living historians will be present, including a new artillery group. 

We also welcome back our friends from the Western Female Seminary Living History Society ladies group. We also will have a couple new vendors and displays, including one with 19th century children’s games. A face painting station for children is a staple of the weekend as well, and our gift shop and used book sale will both be open. Admission and parking are free, but as a non-profit organization, our hope is the visitors find books and gifts they enjoy. Everyone should be able to understand that.

The museum board members  have worked a little harder on this year’s event and hope it will be more interactive this year. This is a really fun annual event, and we hope it helps people learn more an out the museum and our mission of telling the story of the Civil War in Northern Kentucky and Cincinnati. Hopefully people will also understand the importance of the region’s role in the role and the war’s place in American history better, while having a good time. 

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